Policies Management

Policies Management involves defining, implementing, and enforcing rules that govern user access and rights within an organization to ensure security and compliance.

What is Policies Management?

Policies Management is a critical aspect of governance, playing a vital role in the overall health and functionality of an organization. Let’s explore its importance:

Establishing Clear Guidelines and Standards

Policies provide a framework of rules and guidelines that dictate how an organization operates. They define the standards for acceptable behaviour, processes, and decision-making, ensuring that all actions are aligned with the organization’s goals and values. This clarity is essential for consistency and fairness in operations.

Ensuring Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Adherence to legal and regulatory requirements is paramount in an increasingly regulated business environment. Policies management ensures that an organization’s practices align with applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards, thereby avoiding legal penalties, fines, and reputational damage.

Risk Mitigation

Effective policy management plays a crucial role in identifying and mitigating risks. Organizations can anticipate and manage potential risks by establishing controls and procedures through policies, such as financial mismanagement, data breaches, and operational inefficiencies.

Enhancing Organizational Efficiency and Effectiveness

Well-crafted and adequately implemented policies streamline operations, improve efficiency, and promote effectiveness. They provide clear guidance on routine processes and decision-making, which saves time and resources and reduces the likelihood of errors.

Promoting Transparency and Accountability

Policies management fosters a culture of transparency and accountability within an organization. Articulated policies make holding individuals accountable for their actions easier, as expectations are defined and communicated.

Facilitating Consistent Decision-Making

With established policies, decisions are made based on predefined criteria rather than personal judgment. This consistency is crucial for fairness and objectivity in organizational processes.


BAAR-IGA helps verify the identity of your customers and assess associated risks effectively. Here are the key capabilities:

Policy Lifecycle Management

Enhances governance by ensuring policies are systematically managed throughout their lifecycle, reducing the risk of outdated or ineffective policies.

Version Control

Enhances governance by providing a clear audit trail of policy changes, supporting compliance audits and regulatory requirements.

Automated Policy Enforcement

Enhances governance by ensuring consistent and timely enforcement of policies, reducing the risk of non-compliance and improving operational efficiency.

Policy Training and Awareness

Improves policy understanding and compliance among employees, reducing the likelihood of policy violations and associated risks.

Centralized Policy Repository

Improves accessibility and visibility of policies, facilitating compliance efforts and enabling stakeholders to reference and enforce policies easily.

Policy Mapping and Linking

Enhances alignment between policies and organizational objectives, enabling stakeholders to understand the rationale and impact of policies.

Policy Review and Approval Workflow

Facilitates collaboration and consensus-building among stakeholders, ensuring policies are well-informed and accepted across the organization.

Policy Monitoring and Reporting

Provides insights into policy effectiveness and compliance levels, enabling stakeholders to identify areas for improvement and take corrective actions as needed.


Policies Management enhances security, ensures regulatory compliance, streamlines access control, improves audit and reporting, enforces consistency in policy application, and mitigates access-related risks.

Enhanced Security

Ensures access rights are granted according to predefined security policies, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and potential security breaches.

Regulatory Compliance

Facilitates adherence to various regulatory requirements by enforcing policies that align with legal and industry standards, helping avoid penalties and fines.

Streamlined Access Control

Automates the process of granting, updating, and revoking access rights, making the management of user privileges more efficient and less prone to error.

Audit and Reporting Efficiency

Simplifies audits and compliance reporting by providing clear records of policy definitions, implementations, and access changes in line with those policies.

Consistent Policy Enforcement

Ensures uniform application of access policies across all users and systems, eliminating inconsistencies and reducing administrative overhead.

Risk Mitigation

Helps identify and mitigate access rights and privileges risks by enforcing policies limiting access to sensitive information and critical systems to authorized personnel only.

How we are different?

Granular Policy Customization

The ability to create and enforce highly customized policies tailored to an organization’s specific needs and security requirements, allowing for precise control over user access and activities.

Automated Policy Enforcement

Integration of automation tools to ensure that policies are consistently applied across all users and systems, reducing manual oversight and minimizing the risk of human error.

Real-time Policy Updates and Compliance Tracking

Features that allow for immediate policy updates in response to changing regulatory environments or internal requirements, along with tracking mechanisms to ensure ongoing compliance.

Integration with Existing Security Infrastructure

The capability to seamlessly integrate with an organization’s existing security infrastructure to enhance its overall security posture and streamline its policy management processes.

Case Study

Streamlining Policy Management throughout a mid sized bank


The client, a mid-sized financial institution, recognized the critical importance of robust Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies to safeguard sensitive data, comply with regulations, and maintain customer trust. However, the existing IAM framework faced challenges in efficiently managing user identities, enforcing access controls, and ensuring compliance with industry standards. To address these concerns, The Bank implemented BAAR-IGA (Business-driven, Adaptive, Risk-based Identity Governance and Administration), a comprehensive IAM solution designed to enhance security, streamline operations, and align with business objectives.


Complex Identity Landscape: The Bank struggled with a complex identity landscape characterized by multiple systems, applications, and user roles, leading to inconsistencies and inefficiencies in managing identities and access rights.
Compliance Risks: Inadequate IAM policies posed compliance risks as regulatory requirements continued to evolve, necessitating a proactive approach to align policies with industry standards such as GDPR, PCI-DSS, and SOX.
Manual Processes: Manual processes for user provisioning, de-provisioning, and access approvals resulted in delays, errors, and increased administrative overhead, hampering operational efficiency.
Security Vulnerabilities: The absence of granular access controls and real-time visibility into user activities left The Bank vulnerable to insider threats, unauthorized access, and data breaches.


The Bank partnered with a leading IAM solutions provider to implement BAAR-IGA, which is tailored to address its specific requirements and challenges. The key components and features of the solution included:

Business-Driven Approach: BAAR-IGA adopted a business-driven approach, aligning IAM policies with The Bank’s strategic objectives, risk appetite, and regulatory requirements. This ensured that security measures were effective and conducive to business growth and innovation.

Adaptive Controls: The solution incorporated adaptive access controls that dynamically adjust based on contextual factors such as user behaviour, device posture, and location. This enhanced security by enabling real-time risk assessment and adaptive response mechanisms.

Risk-Based Identity Governance: BAAR-IGA facilitated risk-based identity governance, enabling The Bank to prioritize access requests, certifications, and remediation efforts based on risk levels associated with users, applications, and data resources.

Automated Workflows: Implementing automated workflows streamlined user lifecycle management processes, including onboarding, offboarding, role changes, and access reviews. This reduced manual errors, improved operational efficiency, and enhanced compliance with regulatory mandates.

Granular Access Controls: The solution enforced granular access controls, ensuring users only had access to the resources necessary for their roles and responsibilities. Role-based access control (RBAC) and attribute-based access control (ABAC) mechanisms were implemented to enforce least privilege principles.

Real-Time Monitoring and Analytics: BAAR-IGA provided real-time visibility into user activities, access patterns, and security events through comprehensive monitoring and analytics capabilities. This empowered The Bank to detect and respond to security incidents promptly.


Enhanced Security: The implementation of BAAR-IGA significantly strengthened The Bank’s security posture by mitigating risks associated with unauthorized access, insider threats, and data breaches.
Improved Compliance: The Bank achieved better compliance with industry regulations and standards, thanks to the alignment of IAM policies with regulatory requirements and the implementation of robust access controls and audit trails.
Operational Efficiency: Automated workflows and streamlined processes resulted in increased operational efficiency, reduced administrative overhead, and faster response times for user access requests and approvals.
Business Agility: By adopting a business-driven approach to IAM, The Bank enhanced its ability to adapt to changing business requirements, support digital transformation initiatives, and facilitate innovation while maintaining security and compliance.


The successful implementation of BAAR-IGA empowered The Bank to overcome its IAM challenges, fortify its security defenses, and achieve greater efficiency and compliance. By adopting a business-driven, adaptive, risk-based approach to IAM, The Bank positioned itself to effectively manage identities and access rights in alignment with its business objectives and regulatory mandates, thereby safeguarding its reputation and fostering trust among customers and stakeholders.

Enhanced Trust

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