Access Lifecycle Management

BAAR-IGA’s ALM ensures precise control over the access rights of employees from their initial onboarding to their ultimate offboarding. It dynamically adjusts permissions in real time, aligning with role changes and organizational policies to maintain security, integrity, and operational fluidity.

What is Access Lifecycle Management?

Access Lifecycle Management (ALM) in the context of Workforce Identity is a crucial process within organizations that involves managing the access rights of employees to various information systems and resources throughout their employment lifecycle. This process plays a vital role in ensuring security, compliance, and efficiency in an organization’s operations. Let’s explore ALM in Workforce Identity.

Onboarding and Provisioning

ALM begins when a new employee joins the organization. This stage involves granting access rights to various systems and resources necessary for the employee’s role. Access provisioning is often automated and integrated with HR systems to ensure a smooth and quick onboarding process.

Role-based Access Control (RBAC)

ALM typically utilizes RBAC, where access rights are assigned based on the employee’s role within the organization. This ensures that employees have access to the information they need to perform their jobs while minimizing the risk of access to unnecessary or sensitive information.

Regular Review and Re-Certification

To maintain security and compliance, access rights are regularly reviewed and re-certified. This process ensures that any changes in roles, responsibilities, or employment status are accurately reflected in the employee’s access privileges.

Compliance and Auditing

ALM helps organizations comply with various regulatory and legal requirements by ensuring that access to sensitive information is tightly controlled and monitored. Auditing features in ALM systems track who has access to what information and when, which is crucial for identifying potential security breaches or policy violations.

Offboarding and De-provisioning

When an employee leaves the organization, it’s essential to promptly revoke their access to prevent potential security risks. ALM includes efficient de-provisioning processes to ensure that access rights are removed as soon as an employee exits the organization.

Dynamic Access Adjustment

ALM adapts to dynamic changes within the organization, such as promotions, department transfers, or temporary project assignments. This flexibility ensures that access rights are always aligned with the current roles and responsibilities of employees, enhancing security and operational agility.


BAAR-IGA helps verify the identity of your customers and assess associated risks effectively. Here are the key capabilities:

Automated Access Provisioning and Deprovisioning

By automating access provisioning and de-provisioning, BAAR-IGA reduces manual effort, enhances security, and ensures compliance with access policies.

Self-Service Access Requests

By enabling self-service access requests, BAAR-IGA enhances user productivity, reduces dependency on IT support, and improves overall access management efficiency.

Integration with Identity Sources

By integrating with identity sources, BAAR-IGA ensures accurate and up-to-date access management, reduces administrative overhead, and improves data integrity.

Real-Time Access Monitoring

By offering real-time access monitoring, BAAR-IGA strengthens security, reduces the risk of unauthorized access, and enables proactive threat detection and response.

Granular Access Control Policies

With granular access control policies, BAAR-IGA improves access governance, minimizes the risk of unauthorized access, and enhances security posture.

Access Certification and Reviews

With access certification and reviews, BAAR-IGA helps organizations maintain compliance, reduce the risk of access-related security incidents, and enhance accountability.

Workflow Automation

With workflow automation, BAAR-IGA improves operational efficiency, enhances compliance, and provides an auditable trail of access management activities.

Centralized Access Reporting and Analytics

With centralized access reporting and analytics, BAAR-IGA improves visibility, facilitates compliance reporting, and supports data-driven decision-making for access management.


Access Lifecycle Management (ALM) in the context of Workforce Identity is essential for several compelling reasons:

Ensuring Secure Access

ALM ensures that employees only have access to the information and resources necessary for their roles. This targeted access is crucial in minimizing the risk of internal security breaches, whether accidental or malicious. By restricting access to sensitive data, ALM protects against potential threats from within the organization.

Compliance with Regulations

Many industries are subject to stringent regulatory requirements regarding data access and protection. ALM helps organizations comply with these regulations by managing and documenting who has access to specific types of information. For example, complying with GDPR, HIPAA, or SOX often requires strict controls on who can access personal or sensitive data. Failure to comply can lead to significant legal and financial repercussions.

Efficient Onboarding and Offboarding

ALM streamlines the process of granting and revoking access rights for new hires and departing employees. This efficiency is crucial in ensuring that new employees can quickly become productive and that security risks are minimized when employees leave. Efficient offboarding ensures that former employees cannot access company resources, protecting against potential data leaks or unauthorized access.

Reducing the Risk of Access Creep

Over time, employees might accumulate access rights that are no longer necessary for their current roles, a phenomenon known as “access creep”. ALM helps in regularly reviewing and adjusting access rights to prevent this, thereby maintaining a secure and compliant environment.

Auditing and Monitoring for Security

Regular audits and monitoring of access rights are integral parts of ALM. These processes help in quickly identifying and responding to irregular access patterns or unauthorized attempts to access information, enhancing the overall security posture of the organization.

Supporting Remote and Flexible Work Environments

In today’s increasingly remote and flexible work environments, ALM is more important than ever. It ensures that employees working from different locations have secure and appropriate access to the necessary systems and data.

How we are different!

Seamless Integration Capabilities

Our ALM feature is designed to integrate effortlessly with an extensive array of systems, ensuring that employees have coherent access across all platforms, enhancing productivity without compromising security.

Automated Provisioning and Deprovisioning

Advanced automation ensures that access rights are granted or revoked in real-time, mitigating risks associated with delayed deprovisioning and streamlining the onboarding process for a superior user experience.

Intuitive Self-Service Portals

By providing a user-friendly self-service portal, our platform empowers employees to manage their access needs, reducing the administrative burden on IT and accelerating the fulfillment of access requests with proper oversight.

Comprehensive Compliance Management

Our ALM is built with compliance at its core, offering tailored reports and alerts to keep your organization in line with regulatory requirements, minimizing risk, and ensuring a state of continuous compliance.

Case Study

Implementing BAAR-IGA for Role-Based Access Management at a mid sized bank


The customer, a mid-sized financial institution, recognized the need to streamline its access management processes across its 90 applications, including legacy systems lacking modern APIs. With security and compliance as top priorities, the bank decided to implement a Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) solution leveraging the BAAR-IGA framework. This case study outlines the challenges faced, the solution deployed, and the outcomes achieved through the implementation.


Diverse Application Landscape: The Bank operated a wide range of applications, including modern ones with APIs and legacy systems without APIs, complicating access management.
Manual Access Provisioning: Access provisioning and de-provisioning were largely manual processes, prone to errors and delays.
Compliance Concerns: The Bank needed to adhere to regulatory standards such as GDPR and PCI-DSS, necessitating robust access control mechanisms.
Security Risks: Inefficient access management posed security risks, including unauthorized access and data breaches.
Operational Inefficiencies: Manual access management processes resulted in high operational overhead and increased IT support tickets.


The Bank opted for a BAAR-IGA (Business Analysis for Access Rights – Identity Governance and Administration) solution to address its access management challenges comprehensively. The implementation involved the following steps:

Requirement Analysis: Conducting an in-depth analysis of existing access management processes, identifying pain points, and defining requirements.
BAAR-IGA Configuration: Configuring the BAAR-IGA framework to align with The Bank’s organizational structure, roles, and access policies.
Integration with Legacy Systems: Implementing custom connectors and adapters to integrate BAAR-IGA with legacy applications lacking APIs, ensuring seamless access management.
Role Mapping: Defining role-based access controls based on job roles, responsibilities, and least privilege principles to enforce granular access policies.
Automation: Automating access provisioning, de-provisioning, and access reviews to streamline processes and minimize human intervention.
Compliance Enforcement: Implementing access certifications, audit trails, and reporting capabilities to ensure compliance with regulatory standards.
User Training: Conducting user training sessions to familiarize employees with the new access management processes and tools.


Improved Security Posture: The implementation of BAAR-IGA bolstered The Bank’s security posture by enforcing fine-grained access controls and reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
Enhanced Compliance: BAAR-IGA facilitated compliance with regulatory requirements through automated access certifications and audit trails, ensuring adherence to standards such as GDPR and PCI-DSS.
Operational Efficiency: Automation of access management processes reduced operational overhead, minimized errors, and decreased IT support tickets, leading to cost savings and improved efficiency.
Streamlined Access Provisioning: Role-based access controls simplified access provisioning and de-provisioning, enabling faster onboarding and offboarding of employees.
Scalability: The scalable nature of BAAR-IGA allowed The Bank to easily accommodate future growth and evolving access management needs without significant overhead.


By leveraging the BAAR-IGA framework, The Bank successfully addressed its access management challenges, improving security, compliance, and operational efficiency. The implementation of role-based access controls, automation, and integration with legacy systems proved instrumental in streamlining access management processes across the organization, setting the foundation for future growth and innovation.

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